Doors Open Connect provides real estate-related services for real estate agents and agencies and for others working for them.
Listing Agents can post Open Houses, Walkthroughs, and Showings.
Agents can take jobs and get paid, and also receive incentives through new leads and opportunities.
Non-Licensed assistants can help Agents with tasks and can become your host or hostess at your next open house.
Agents in an event-relationship can chat, view each other’s profiles, share information, and interview each other.
Users can copy and paste and upload detailed links, with photos of their listings via MLS or website-based information about the “Job/Event”.
Users can “Filter” by their desired event preferences, locations, distances, dates, and brokerages.
Notifications about local postings, and opportunities within your brokerage.
Once a “Job/Event” is posted, users can see them in real-time by location via the live map.
… and More!